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Phantom Quartz Pedant with Chloride Inclusions


Balance Freedom Peace Love
This beautiful specimen that will call to you is called Phantom Quartz. It is assisting in finding what is the hidden aspect of yourself that needs acknowledgement and need to look deeper into them. For myself when I work with ...


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This beautiful specimen that will call to you is called Phantom Quartz. It is assisting in finding what is the hidden aspect of yourself that needs acknowledgement and need to look deeper into them.

For myself when I work with Phantom Quartz it is showing the strength needed to rebuild something within that I did not even know I am capable of and achieve inner mastery of self-love and courage. I hope that is what it will also bring to you.

Also, love the beautiful green chloride inclusion that adds to its power and beauty.

Size: 5 x 2 x 1.5 cm


Crystal Wisdom

Clear Quartz

Everything just about! Clear Quartz is a power stone, a true gift from Gaia. It amplifies your intention and amplifies the energies of other crystals. Clear Quartz is truly magnificent in that it can be programmed with your intent and left in one spot to do your work with you as it radiates this energy outwards when in its natural form. It repels negative energies, use it to strengthen and clear your Aura. A Master Healer, it is able to work on any condition, use it in energy grids and during he...

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