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Super Lemurian Original Clear Quartz Generator


Freedom & Creativity Crystals Love Compassion & Joy Crystals for Peace & Meditation
Super Lemurian Origianl Clear Quartz Generator first time to be offered to come to the home of the right keeper . It is a powerful Crystal with potent energy of life itself and wanting or not your life will start changing ...

Weight: 266gr

Size: 17 x 4.5 x 3cm approximately


Only 1 left!


Super Lemurian Origianl Clear Quartz Generator first time to be offered to come to the home of the right keeper . It is a powerful Crystal with potent energy of life itself and wanting or not your life will start changing in most profound ways. Then clarity is superb and within there is a silhouette that looks like knife and with that it will be easy to remove any energetic cords that are still present in your life but you could not be able to shake them off. This way there will be no excuse once it is done, it is done.

There is not ever going to be anything like this magnificat Super Lemurian on offer and I truly hope it does come to a beautiful l keeper  who will know how to work with it and help others as well.

Weight: 266gr

Size: 17 x 4.5 x 3cm approximately


Crystal Wisdom

Lemurian Seed Crystals

Lemurian Seed Crystals Healing, Communication ​Love love love these master crystals, they offer us wisdom, love and knowledge, also experiencing our self as 'ONE' but also interconnected with all.  While they are rarely transparent. They're identified by the parallel striations (like barcodes) on 3sides of the crystal. Often laser wands, They are not always 'beautiful' in the visual sense to some and more often than not a bit rough looking. Don't be deceived, these beauties hide an amaz...

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