Celestite, Hang with the Angels!

Celestite, Hang with the Angels!

We love celestite because it assists us to remain in a place of higher vibration Especially those that have had bio-energetic healing. It helps to maintain that healed state, removing those things that are no longer necessary in our lives.

  • From the Latin word Caelestis…….heavenly or celestial.
  • This beautiful Blue Crystal is both calming and relaxing.

With a hardness of about 3.5. So it can be a bit brittle depending on how it is cut or finished. It is associated with the throat chakra, though it is also used to balance and integrate the crown and third eye while also healing and aligning all chakras. Balancing at the very highest of vibrational levels. It is a cardinal water and air crystal

It clears and cleanses the human aura. A Zodiac crystal, it is beneficial to Geminis and Cancerians. I have heard it used for eye problems as well.

Many believe Celestite is fantastic for clairaudience and hearing problems.

Known and loved for it’s extremely high vibration energy. Celestite or Celestine as it is also known, enables you to connect with the angelic realm and with the Angels themselves.

Celestite is a wonderful crystal for emotional stability and protection, as it offers you with it’s luminous energy the chance to reduce fears and anxiety, decreasing negative thoughts, and energies, offering you in it’s space true hope.

This beautiful stone is not shy about pointing out what you need to know when connecting to the spirit and Angelic realms, and as a “teacher of the new age,”. She enables you to speak your own truth with ancient knowledge and angelic guidance, while opening the third eye and crown to the higher vibrations necessary to access these realms.

Healing with Celestite is calming.

During times of stress and change it assists you to remain clam and work through these challenges and ending with a positive note and ‘winning’. While great for accessing the higher realms, we also see it as a powerful crystal in our everyday lives. And this is important! For those who entertain, such as speakers, actors, singers, and public officers. It helps destroy those feelings of anxiety before going on stage. Lightening also the anxious times for those in crowds or agoraphobics challenged with entering outside spaces.

Children also benefit from carrying Celestite as it helps to alleviate shyness and low self-esteem and find joy and peace. Within their world as they expand their lives to experience new and exciting things.

Dreamtime and meditation become more aware and powerful as you use this crystal. It allows you to go clearly and gently while in a deeper state of meditation and assisting with the clarity of dream recollection.

By Ivana Slobodnik

Ivana Iyanifa is diviner, oracle, spiritual consultant, accredited crystal healer and teacher, shamanic practitioner, ritual-creator and Ifa Priestess, officially initiated into Iyanifa in 2011 at Uluru by Olowo Robert Lavtar.

Learn more about Ivana Slobodnik

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