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Peat: Primordial Energy Activation and Transcendence


Freedom & Creativity Crystals
P.E.A.T. is a practical and efficient method for achieving that state of Oneness, the Great Void, Emptiness, which has been pointed to by all the great spiritual traditions.


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Peat: Primordial Energy Activation and Transcendence

and the Neutralization of Polarities Paperback 

by  Zivorad Slavinski  (Author), Judith Daniel  (Editor), Trish Noe  (Designer)

This book presents the primary spiritual development system of psychologist, metaphysical teacher.  And developer of numerous spritual technology methods, Zivorad Slavinski.

P.E.A.T. is a practical and efficient method for achieving that state of Oneness, the Great Void, Emptiness.  Which has been pointed to by all the great spiritual traditions.

Three humdred years of scientific investigation has led to the conclusion of quantum physic. That underlying the apparent diversity of life, there is ultimate unity.

Slavinski’s work allows the practitioner to have subjective experience of that Unified state. In addition to advancing spiritual development, PEAT can be used to resolve everyday problems or to address long-standing life issues.

  • 220 pages
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