Quan Yin, Guan Yin, this deity is known with these different names, however the name Avalokiteshvara is the principle energy that brings life and light to these other names and deities, Avalokiteshvara is the Bodhisvattva of compassion and is the principle deity of Tibet taking many forms even as the Dalai Llamas. offering compassion and bringing salvation to those living in this world. iIt can be known as either male or female in different traditions.
In particular offering protection, compassion and wisdom to women and children of the world along with sailors and of course those men that follow and honour this energy.
Golden Obsidian is sometimes known as the wizards stone, offering scrying and powerful protection against negative energies. Balancing the energetic fields that surround us and holding our dreams and wishes safely as we walk the road of our life.
This beautiful piece offers the combination of wisdom, protection and balance.
It is 13cm 8cm x 4 cm and weighs 260gms