Smokey Elestial Quartz has its own magic that is within this beautiuful creation from mother Earth. When it is carved into someting beautiufl and as you can see it is stunning many more ancient doors of wisdom open and we dive deep into the world of self knowing and understanding more about life itself.
What elestial quartz mean is that it has many natural terminations that fold over and create multilayered crystal.
This beautiufl Elestial Skull has beautiufl flowing energy that remove blockages and fear and at the same time balance polarities within your body and energy filed and with that open new way how to bring in the change you need in your life.
The photos will tell you the story itself, the more you will work with this Ancient Elestial Smokey Quarts the more rainbow there inside will be activated and more joy around you every day.
Weight: 1.35kg
Size: 13.5 x 11 x 7.5cm Approximately