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Stunning Lemurian Wisdom Point – 79g

⚖️ Weight: 79gms. 📏 Size: 118 x 26 x 21mm   🌎 Source: Brazil 🔮 Chakra: Crown


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Stunning Lemurian Wisdom Point – 79g

The Legend of Lemuria
Lemurian crystals carry the profound spiritual wisdom of the lost Lemurian civilization, believed to have thrived in harmony. According to legend, Lemurians encoded their ancient knowledge into these crystals, intending to pass it on to future generations. By connecting with a Lemurian Wisdom Point, you tap into this ancient wisdom and elevate your spiritual journey.

Stunning Lemurian Wisdom Point Introduction
This Stunning Lemurian Wisdom Point, weighing 79 grams, serves as a powerful tool for accessing ancient knowledge and enhancing spiritual practice. Discovered in the sacred mountains of Brazil, this crystal’s fine striations hold the encoded wisdom of the Lemurians. Additionally, its compact size makes it perfect for meditation, allowing you to carry ancient energy wherever you go.

Healing Benefits of Stunning Lemurian Wisdom Point – 79g

Physically, the Stunning Lemurian Wisdom Point balances your energy and supports overall vitality. Mentally, it sharpens focus and clarity, helping you approach challenges with wisdom and understanding. Spiritually, this crystal connects you to higher realms, facilitating profound spiritual growth and alignment with universal consciousness. Furthermore, it resonates with the Crown Chakra, ensuring a strong connection to the highest spiritual vibrations.

Metaphysical Attributes
Metaphysically, the Stunning Lemurian Wisdom Point amplifies intentions and enhances spiritual insight, making it essential for any seeker. Its connection to the element of Air symbolizes clarity, communication, and the flow of ideas, crucial for deepening spiritual practice. Moreover, this crystal resonates strongly with Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra, aligning with their natural curiosity and pursuit of higher knowledge.

  • Invitation
    So, invite the Stunning Lemurian Wisdom Point into your life today. Enhance clarity, amplify energy, and connect to ancient wisdom. Bring this powerful tool into your space and let it guide you on your journey toward spiritual enlightenment and self-discovery. Experience the ancient wisdom of Lemuria and transform your life.
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