Dreamy Elestial Skeleton Smokey Quartz – 495g
Discover the enchanting Dreamy Elestial Skeleton Smokey Quartz, a 495g wonder that combines beauty and potent healing energies. This crystal, known for its intricate skeletal formations, hails from the renowned mines of Brazil and Madagascar. Often referred to as “the enchanted crystal,” it features mesmerizing etchings that narrate its ancient origins.
Resonating with the earth element, this crystal is associated with the root and third-eye chakras, offering grounding and enhanced spiritual insight.
The Dreamy Elestial Skeleton Smokey Quartz offers multifaceted healing. Physically, it detoxifies and strengthens the immune system. Mentally, it alleviates depression and anxiety, fostering a calm mind. Emotionally, it provides a comforting presence, helping release old wounds and build resilience.
Metaphysical Properties
This crystal elevates light energy vibrations, promoting deep cellular healing and spiritual growth. Placed on the third-eye chakra, it activates psychic abilities and enhances spiritual insight. Its energy harmonizes with high-vibration stones like Phenacite and Moldavite.
- Bring the Dreamy Elestial Skeleton Smokey Quartz into your home to transform your space and spirit, providing grounding and a celestial connection.