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Talisman of Empowered Discernment


Protection Balance Freedom
Awakening intuition and inner wisdom, the Talisman of Empowered Discernment combines the potent energies of three transformative crystals. This harmonious union amplifies discernment, fosters spiritual clarity, and connects you to your inner guidance and highest truth.


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Talisman of Empowered Discernment

Awakening intuition and inner wisdom, the Talisman of Empowered Discernment combines the potent energies of three transformative crystals. This harmonious union amplifies discernment, fosters spiritual clarity, and connects you to your inner guidance and highest truth.

And here are brief spiritual descriptions for each crystal:

Quartz Dragon Carving:

“Embodying the fierce protection and clarity of the dragon spirit, Quartz Dragon Carving guards your energy and amplifies your intentions. This powerful crystal carving ignites inner strength, courage, and mental clarity, helping you navigate life’s challenges with confidence and wisdom.”

Shungite Sphere:

“Absorbing negativity and radiating light, Shungite Sphere purifies your energy and shields you from harm. This transformative crystal sphere fosters spiritual growth, enhances intuition, and connects you to the Earth’s ancient wisdom.”

Columbian Lemurian Blade of Light:

“Illuminating the path to higher consciousness, Columbian Lemurian Blade of Light slices through darkness and uncertainty. This radiant crystal blade activates your inner light, amplifies spiritual connection, and guides you toward enlightenment and inner peace.”

Power and beauty and so nice.

  • Length: 11cm

Crystal Wisdom


HEALING THEARAPIES: Physical The anti-bacterial properties of shungite have been confirmed by modern testing and Shungite has electric conductivity properties. This is said to be the reason for one of shungite's most notable uses: shielding and protection from EMF electromagnetic radiation from things like TVs, computers, microwaves, cell phones, and other items. Shungite is believe to assist immune system, hair growth, skin diseases and deformations, antioxidants, fight free radicals, cancer, r...

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