Colombian Lemurian Crystals: ‘Blades of Light’
I love the crystal world and the wondrous treasures offered to us through a millennium of growth and wisdom.
Last year, I was offered from Colombia some ‘Colombian Lemurian’ crystals. I had never heard of them before, and I love Lemurian crystals. We have an amazing collection of them at home and in our shop.
However, they were USD $50 each! and were quite small at only 3 to 8 cm in length each. And as much as I like them, I was confounded as to who would buy them once I had placed a retail margin on them. So I respectfully declined; I was, unfortunately, not able to buy just a few.
In 2022, I was fortunate again to be offered these magnificent beauties. I grabbed them! Offering thanks to the universe with grace and humility to be the keeper, albeit for a short time, of these stunning crystals.
I have been working with them for a few months now and have found them to be very heart-centered. They are amazing at meditation to raise your elevation. They seem to ‘want’ to assist you in growing stronger, with each session offering more connection as time progresses.

Blades of Light, Colombian Lemurian Crystals
They are, for the most part, water-clear and carry the striations that a Brazilian Lemurian has. They are not as hazy or milky as their Brazilian cousins, nor do they have the pinkish hue often found in many Lemurian quartzes. This hue is mainly due to the hematite they are formed with.
Blades of light crystals seem to offer a majestic clarity of mind, and while I rarely go into this.
I feel ‘healthy’ while working with them, as though they are designed to bring clarity to the body, mind, and soul.
Such wonder and awe!
These rare crystals seem to elevate the consciousness of humanity. There is so much information coming from the Galactic space into the Earth. These Blades of Light assist in raising our vibration and offer a divine love that works in harmony and synch with these new energies apparent to those of us that seek it.

Colombian Lemurian Crystals, Blades of Light
As a tool to work with, they are amazing teachers, showing us the clarity needed to follow our ‘Life Path’. In Ifa, we know that sometimes we are ‘off path’ working with the Orisa, and using these Blades of Life crystals creates a stronger bond with our knowing.
The direction that we seek as humans to move onward and forward in our lives is clearing the way to walk with grace, with clarity, and with a conscious love for ourselves and humanity.
I have found great connection and clarity using them as a connection while channeling as well.
They are undoubtedly powerful allies to hold and grow with.
A laser crystal assists us to pinpoint directions in our lives. Being able to connect with these Colombian Lemurian Blades of Light crystals while healing and growing through life’s changes is such an honor and, may I say, a privilege, as many of them are lasers.

Colombian Lemurian Crystals, Blades of Light
I have begun creating talismans with them. And just wow!
They call for complete awareness of the task (not that I do not). But I feel humbled working with them, providing clear thoughts and observations of the world around me as we create together, something powerful and magical for the specific keeper of the talisman.
In ceremonies, I feel their energy clearly and potently. They ‘sing’ if you like to me and tell a story of old and new, of movement and growth as the pieces are, bit by bit, bought together, creating wonderment, healing, and growth.
Our ancestors and guides love that these crystals offer an abundance of life and clarity to us. The wisdom of Lemuria is also to be found within. Hold them with pure intent, as indeed these crystals offer purity. Your mind clears enough to hear what we so often miss out on through either not trusting ourselves or, in turn, the guidance offered to us.

This expansion is a blessing, and the connection is enlightening.
I feel a strong connection with the heart chakra when using and working with Colombian Blades of Life crystals.
But undoubtedly, they are a crystal of higher consciousness, and it is here at the Crown chakra that we know and connect. As we seek and discover the wisdom of the new energies and of life itself, They align all chakras, as their energy and frequency are so pure and potent.
Colombian Lemurian Blades of Light crystals are a gift to us for the new era of light and knowing, connecting, healing, feeling, and loving.
Sovereignty is found in knowing oneself and being aware of our surroundings. As we grow through these high vibrational times, we are a magnificent ally. ‘Blades of Light‘ are a monumental assistant to those working to connect with the advancement of humanity with love, grace, and wisdom. Clearing the way to connection with spirit and enhancing our gifts to share with the world.
About purchasing them
As with all ‘rare earth’ crystals, they are not common. There are some found in other parts of the world, including China, that look the same. These are not ‘bad’ crystals. They just do not have such a high frequency.
Be aware that if you purchase them, they will call you, and if that call is not one of higher frequency, they may not be authentic Colombian Lemurian crystals or Blades of Light. I am sure you will “know’, they are not as cheap as a rare crystal, so if they are, then be aware they may not be what they seem.
With deep gratitude and thanks, I recognize your love and sovereignty. Thank you for taking the time to stop in and read this blog.
Much love and blessings to you and yours, Craig.
*Note 1: I do not claim to be the originator of the term ‘Blades of Light’ as I found it while searching for information earlier on when I discovered these beauties. It is such a fitting term, and I offer thanks for this name.
Colombian Lemurian Crystals, Blades of Light