Atlantisite: The Stone of Ancient Wisdom and Earth Healing

Atlantisite: The Stone of Ancient Wisdom and Earth Healing

Origin and Discovery: Atlantisite is a relatively rare combination of green serpentine and purple stichtite, creating a unique and visually striking stone. It is primarily mined in Tasmania, Australia, making it an exotic addition to any crystal collection. The blend of colors not only makes Atlantisite appealing to the eye but also enhances its mystical properties.

Crystal Type:

Combination of Serpentine and Stichite


Serpentine 3-4, Stichtite 1.5-2 on the Mohs Scale


Heart and Root Chakra


Green with purple patches



Atlantisite: The Stone of Ancient Wisdom and Earth Healing Wisdom:

Spiritual Aspect:
Atlantisite is believed to possess the powerful energies of ancient civilizations, particularly Atlantis, hence its name. It is a stone of spiritual awakening, promoting a deeper understanding of past lives and the ancient wisdom of the mystical city of Atlantis. Associated with both the Heart and Root Chakras, Atlantisite bridges the higher energies of the heart with the more grounding energies of the earth, facilitating a balanced spiritual and emotional state.

Healing Aspect:
As a healing stone, Atlantisite is said to promote a healthier body and a more balanced environment. It encourages stability in one’s life and can be used to cleanse and align the chakras. Health-wise, it is thought to help with issues related to the lungs and heart, assisting in the detoxification processes of the body and enhancing the immune system.

Emotional Benefits:
Atlantisite helps to soothe emotional distress, providing a calming presence that reduces stress and anxiety. It promotes a sense of security and helps to resolve conflicts by fostering a clearer understanding of underlying emotional patterns. This stone encourages patience and persistence in overcoming emotional turmoil.

Connecting on a Deeper Level:
Keeping Atlantisite close can enhance your connection to the earth and its healing energies. It's particularly useful for those who seek to understand their place within the greater cosmos and wish to harmonize their spiritual journey with the physical world. Atlantisite’s grounding yet enlightening energy can inspire profound peace and a sense of divine connection, making it a perfect companion for meditation and spiritual exploration.

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