Selenite also as a ‘stone of truth and honesty’ therefore If you are looking for one of the most versatile metaphysical stones that can help you cleanse your aura, clear all energy blockages, bring 5th dimensional energy into a 3rd dimensional matter and MUCH more, then selenite is for you! Selenite is an element of creation.
Crystal Type:
2 on Moh's Scale
Mostly White
Selenite Wisdom:
Clears and energize all the glands of the body and if you feel stressed out, tired or angry, holding a selenite crystal can help clear away the negative energy and leave you feeling calmer, and centred. Guess what, keeping a large piece of selenite in a room, to help ensure a peaceful atmosphere Or, keep next to your bed to create a restful space and help you have a good night's sleep.
Selenite has a direct effect on the emotional body by activating the aspect of our nature connected to our true spiritual feeling and path. These crystals are particularly effective in stabilizing the emotional body and bringing erratic emotions under calm control.
Cleanses the aura, Clears all blockages in the energy field and is the Ideal stone for purification and energetic cleansing, which makes it a perfect tool for healers because it directs high frequency energy into the body, stimulating spiritual, physical and emotional healing thereby opens the inner self to the spiritual world and improve telepathic abilities. Acts as a tool for enlightenment as it heralds the link between spirit and matter therefore selenite is an excellent crystal to use during meditation as it aid for hypnosis, Helps one access their personal power, Enhances psychic awareness, Helps one gain an awareness of past lives, Improves concentration and Helpful for communicating with the wisdom of angels.
• Symbolism – Divine Wisdom, Spirit And Unity
• Mineral Class – Sulfate
• Streak – White
• Composition – Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate Sulfate
• Crystal System – Monoclinic
• Toughness = Low
• Stability = Selenite is water soluble and will dissolve if left in liquid.
• Transparency – Transparent, Translucent, sometimes appears opaque.
• Lustre – Vitreous, Pearly
• Cleavage – Perfect
• Fracture – Uneven
• Tenacity – Brittle
• Location – Notable occurrences are in Mexico, Brazil, Greece, Poland, Russia, and the USA.
• Other ID Marks – Some selenite and satin spar specimens exhibit fluorescence or phosphorescence.
• Complex Tests – soluble in hydrochloric acid and nitric acid.
• Rarity – common