Found only in Namibia and mined at a place called Goboboseb Mountains close to the highest peak in Namibia called... you guessed it Brandberg Mountain where because of its cultural and first nations people significance as a sacred sight mining is banned. These beautiful crystals are often clear and spectacular in their colour, often found with streaks of fiery red within then from hematite inclusions. They are Ancient and formed before the famous Amethyst found in the Brazil. Amazing healers of lifes transitory events they walk powerfully through and with us offering knowing and strength.
Crystal Type:
Primarily The third eye and Crown but are useful in activation of all chakras
Clear, smoky/ light purple quartz with purple like phantoms within.
Brandberg Amethyst Wisdom:
Amethyst is, named in honour of Artemis the Greek Goddess of the hunt and childbirth. Offering a delicious connection to the natural world.
They are wondrous tools to assist in the removal of energetic implants. Be it spiritual or mental possession.
And ask we journey through our lifes journey they work with us to effect transformation and transition in different phases of our life.
Supporting us through that time that many call death as we transition to the spirit world with our ancestors
are the finest tools for removing implants, attachments, spirit possession or mental influences. It is particularly supportive for conscious transformation or transition, especially through death.
Brandberg Amethyst is a profound healer of the heart, promoting unconditional love and creating space to dissolve past life/soul contract issues and heart break.
Promoting the freedom to to find your own partner to walk with who also supports your spiritual divinity.
Smoky Brandberg is particularly good for restoring the natural earth grids that we often feel dissolving realigning and cleansing.
As we connect with it it anchors our cosmic connections and opens the pathways to seeing that you are where you need to be at this time, while seeing the progressive movement to spiritual awareness and life.
Clear Brandbergs are amazing connectors to multi dimensional realms amplifying and enhancing your connections, for healing and receiving wisdom. offering a purity of knowing and life.