Cinnabar the ‘Merchants Stone’ in a sediment porosity which sometimes precipitates from fluids moving through the porosity of a sediment or a sedimentary rock.
Crystal Type:
2 - 2.5 On The Moh's Scale
Red, Brownish Red to Sometimes Grey
Sagittarius and Scorpio
Cinabar Wisdom:
Cinnabar is a beautiful orange red to dark red mineral that is prized for both its colour and its mercury content and in ancient times, cinnabar was ground into a powder to form a pigment called vermilion a pigment used for art and decoration and was also added to cosmetics. The energy of this stone may bring an increase of wealth into your business, aid the healing of a number different health problems such as blood disorders and to improve the overall physical strength of the body. This mineral is a strong booster for the immune system, and may help the body to assist to heal deep seated and on-going infections, including staph or bacterial infections.
This stone is also powerful for awakening mystic vision, and this may empower you to complete your Divine purpose for incarnating at this time. It promotes spiritual transformation and wellbeing via energy collection with potency and power.
• Symbolism – Merchants Stone
• Mineral Class – Sulfide
• Composition – Mercury Sulfide mineral.
• Streak - Red
• Crystal System – Trigonal
• Toughness = Thick
• Transparency – Transparent, Translucent, or Opaque
• Specific Gravity – 8 – 8.2
• Lustre – Dull to Adamantine
• Cleavage : Perfect, Prismatic
• Tenacity – Brittle to Slightly Sectile
• Fracture – Uneven
• Category – Rock, Mineral and Fossil Collections.
• Location – Italy, Greece, Spain, China, Turkey, and the Mayan countries of South America
• Rarity – Common.