
Kunzite the ‘lovely heart based crystal’ which colour varies and is known as the pink to violet variety of the silicate, Spodumene.

Crystal Type:



3.5 - 4 on the Moh's Scale


Heart Chakra




Leo, Taurus, and Scorpio

Kunzite Wisdom:

These crystals stimulate the birth of creative idea and their energy may aid you overall to enhance your creativity and Using them regularly may also assist you to be open to listen to constructive criticism. It is particularly supportive for a young or first-time mother and for all single mothers, and is a good stone for sleepless babies and over-active children, and is an excellent gift for girls entering puberty to help them love their changing bodies because Kunzite is an ideal crystal for children having a hard time adjusting to and functioning in life. It is also a beneficial stone for star children or walk-ins to help them adjust to earth plane environments and energy. The soothing power of Kunzite calms nervousness during an examination, interview or assessment, and is useful in situations where you cannot show irritation such as in workplace when superiors bring personal dislikes or problems to work, or uses flirtation or sexual bullying as a power play. As a travel crystal, it guards against road rage and stress while driving, calms difficult passengers in your vehicle. Kunzite may be beneficial in hormone-linked migraines, the reproductive system in women, puberty in girls, PMS, and menstrual problems, and skin rashes caused by allergies to chemicals. Kunzite assists in strengthening the circulatory system and the heart muscle, and is helpful in neuralgia, calming epilepsy and soothing joint pain. Kunzite assists in enhancing the treatment of depression and psychiatric disorders, and assists the physical body in recovering from emotional stress.

These stones assist the emotions, and creation of loving relationships, re-energises trust as your life fills with love on all levels. This stone has strong metaphysical properties that aid you to lift your mood and to assist you as you attempt to heal emotion problems, such as anxiety and stress, release negative feelings, relieve panic, fear and encourages you to open yourself to unconditional love including self love and unending joy and happiness always. It aids love within relationships and with close friends and family, love of nature and of animals and Divine love.

This stones may benefit you to learn easy meditation ideas. It is a crystal that will aid you to achieve deeper states meditation, and is a wonderful stone to use as it brings such a lovely joyful vibration through. During your meditation you may combine Kunzite to help you to make contact with spiritual beings guides that may aid you especially if you have difficulty getting into meditation. These meditations will guide you to relax and they also have lovely music that helps you to relax. Kunzite when visiting locations where negative events have taken place, it increases intuitive powers and is especially protective against harmful spirits and with its loving pink energy, it activates the Heart Chakra and aligns it with the light violet energy of the mind, the Crown Chakra, This healing communication between mind and heart produces a powerful peaceful feeling.

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