Why Plume Angel Feathers. For me it is simple. When you personally meet the people you work with and see the bigger picture behind it all you realise you are a part of something bigger, more aligned with the soul level of existance and be there for others as you are there for yourself. Yes, the cost is not like any other feather earrings, but neither is the energy behidn them, the silkiness and love that is poured in every stands and ethical way of working and providing for the single mothers in Bali. Without Elf there would be more misery and lost children with her work there is hope and security and care like no other. So this is your decision ... do you want to be a part of something that gives back or not. I know what my decision is and was and hence my support of this magical product.
Plume Angel Feathers Inspirational Story Wisdom:
Plume Angel Feathers Inspirational Story
Our mission is to remind you, that you have your own wings to fly freely, following your dreams.
Care Collaboration Development Fair trade Nature Joy VISION
To create a new way of seeing business, as a structure, where each person involved is treated as a family. Where growth of a company is equal to a growth for every individual.
Where we support each other thru the tough times. We are one, and all what we create with love, will bring light in to this world.
In our world, every Mother has enough time for their children and the ability to provide for them.
This company build upon a strong relationships and trust between people.
I've created feather hair extensions Plume Angel and solved my own problem of a thin hair. Running a beauty business in the past, I would just take someone else's hair and pretend it is mine. That was not right. Now I am offering everyone the option to make their hair thicker and longer with the fair-trade Feather Hair Extensions. Now I am teaching Balinese mothers that freedom! To do work when they want, for how long they can to make amounting money they need to feel secure.
They are making a beauty for you in their own homes with the ability to put their children and family first.
Over the past 5 years, 82 Balinese women have chosen to work with Plume Angel. I've trained them to make high-quality of product. As for now only 19 of them are permanently working. We want to give stable job for all of them. Your contribution will provide for materials and continuous production to be sold by our current family of 77 traveling Angels, to ensure everyone comfort and freedom.
With love, Elf"I am just a girl. What can I do, to change the world... But the question is - what will I!?
Here is my story.
I used to live in a big industrial city. From there I wasn't able to see what we as society do. Coming to developing countries paying less as possible to get made what we want. But who make those products? How is their life's? "Made in China" - you know that common label. But what does it mean? Underpaid? You know how those people are treated. We all know. I am proud that my products are made in Bali by the people, who love what they do. The quality of life is our highest priority. This ripple effect will influence other communities in the world.
I am looking for people, who stand up for the human rights and want to make a change, who can see that behind each product, there is a live person. I am speaking to you. You, who just believe me that together we can make the world a better place. Feathers a reminding you that you have your own wings to fly free, following your dreams.
With this project, I am following mine!
And I'm doing it now.
Join me."
We are working solely with the feathers of birds, raised at freedom.
Feathers are sometimes referred to as waste and when burned they can cause ecological problem. We purchase them and recycle.
We have three levels of feathers disinfection:
After gathering, we disinfect feathers, and then part of them is dyed by batik paint in order to avoid poisoning. Not dyed feathers are sorted by color, size and shape. There are around 6000 colors. We use feathers to form the product design and then we assemble finished product. At least 7 people are working with every product and their efforts always are paid decently. People, who buy products, understand that there are people and series of events behind every product.
When we order feathers, we always find the content of a parcel as a surprise. We are opening delivered boxes with the great excitement, curious to see what we received. When it comes to feathers, there is no standard package. However, we love it as this is the sign of Nature – all is unique and nothing really repeats itself.
Sometimes it may happen that the color you want is not available. There is a reason for it. We do not tell the supplier to send us the "right" color right now. We do not cooperate with suppliers that would fulfill such order at the cost of hurting the bird. Our goal is to avoid suffering.
In Plume Angel, we honor Mother Nature and her gifts, feathers, which she is so generously giving to us. No matter which color and shape we receive. Even if it might not fit our orders at given moments, we work with what we have.