

Turquoise is one of the oldest known stones or crystals used by people from Shamans to Kings as a talisman of protection.

Crystal Type:

Has a triclinic crystal structure




Throat but will strengthen and align all


Beautiful azure blues to bluish green,


Sagittarius, Pisces & Aquarius

Turquoise Wisdom:

​Common Uses: Healing and protection for travel, protective talisman.

Turquoise is a protective stone, taking on the characteristics that are positive around those holding it or wearing it as a talisman. Said to loose color or fade if the wearer is ill and can return it’s color when seated with a new keeper.

From Ancient Egypt to the South American Aztecs and Incas, to the North American Indians to China and beyond. It has travelled with Kings, Rulers and Shaman as a stone of Protection. Worn and adorned by riders to protect against falls originally, is has become known as an all round protective stone.

A grand stone of change and positive movement assisting with transitions in work and home life. Encouraging us to be true to ourselves honoring our divine purpose. ​Turquoise aids in strengthening ourselves, It is a great stone for when your feeling exhausted, depressed, even when you face panic attacks it helps keep calm. Enhances our physical and psychic immune systems, processing pollution and viral infections within our body.

It assists with detoxifying our body while helping with joint and muscle inflammation. Assists in problems of the brain, eyes, ears, neck and throat, especially cataracts, migraines and headaches, and problems with balance.[Eason, 239] Helpful to the respiratory system and aids in healing lung disorders and allergies. Wearing a Turquoise necklace helps prevent tracheitis and other bronchial attacks.

By healing the breath, this stone may cure speech disorders such as stammering. As a beautiful energetic healing stone, that is great for travellers and speaking your own truth. Turquoise is a must have in any crystal collection.

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